Quiniva Poodles

Quiniva Kennels was first registered in 2000 with the Canine Association of South Australia.
Our foundation bitches have both come from Marlau Kennels in Victoria.

Aust Ch. Marlau New Vogue (Marli) a black girl was our first poodle and was  titled. Sadly Marli is no longer with us, this is her page picasaweb.google.com.au/quiniva/MARLI#/
Our second girl Aust Ch. Marlau Sweet Like Chocolat (Ella) is a brown. We lost Ella in October 2011, this is her page.


Aust Ch. Quiniva Midnight Tango (Tango) is owner bred and handled and has also earned her title.(16/12/2006)

Quiniva Madam Violet (Violet) is a brown girl and was  shown from time to time.

Quiniva Marshmallow Minx ( Marsha) has now gained her title 25/1/2012.

Quiniva Two To Tango is just starting her show career.

Marlau Quinava is our red girl.

All our poodles are pets first and show dogs second.

Marli was shown mainly in a short clip with a scissored topknot and shows with the use of hair spray were rare.
Ella was  also  shown predominantly in a short clip.

All our dogs are fed the Raw Meaty Bones Diet. www.rawmeatybones.com/

Tango and Violet are first generation totally raw fed dogs.

More info on Raw Meaty Bones





Breed Profile - Standard Poodle


The name Poodle comes from the German word "pudel," which means to splash in the water and depicts the dogs' affinity for water activity and skill at aquatic retrieval. The Poodle was actually developed in Germany, not France, probably as early as the 15th century. Although France has claimed the poodle as its national dog, the breed was developed in Germany as a large gundog and a water retriever. The modern breed emerged in France, where it performed in circuses and worked as a duck retriever.

The Standard Poodle is the largest and oldest type, having descended from proficient water dogs of unknown origin. The practice of clipping the coat began in an effort to ease movement through water.

The Miniature Poodle and Toy Poodle soon followed the Standard Poodle in development. Both were known by the 1750s and were performers and entertainers.

General description

Height: over 15 inches at the highest point of the shoulders.

Weight: 50-65 pounds

Colour: The coat is an even and solid colour at the skin. In blues, silvers, browns, cafe-au-laits, apricots and creams the coat may show varying shades of the same colour.

Grooming requirements

The coat needs constant attention to be kept mat-free and requires grooming at least every two months. The style of cut is dependent upon how much brushing you wish to do. The less coat, the less brushing you will be required to do. All Poodles require a slicker brush and a metal comb to keep their coats brushed and maintained. Problem spots for Poodles are almost always the ears, and legs. Most Poodle owners seek professional grooming.

Regular ear cleaning, and nail trimming are also required.

Breed characteristics and personality

The Poodle is friendly, intelligent and easily trained and makes a loving and well-loved family pet. It is an extrovert that enjoys showing off and being admired. Its intelligence and ability to learn new tricks quickly make it highly desirable as a performing dog. It loves exercise and is joyously playful, friendly, and high-spirited. It is a natural watch dog with a strong sense of territory. The Poodle is an excellent companion with child-like qualities that make it one of the most popular dogs in the world.


The Poodle was originally a retriever and flusher of birds. The Standard can still be found at this profession, as well as excelling in obedience and agility trials.




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Contact Details
Alan & Andrea Southern
Aldinga Beach, SA, Australia
Phone : 0428 428 248
Email : [email protected]


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